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No 07 of 1990 - Statute - Turnover Tax, Stamp Duty, Lottery Tax, Court Charges & Fines

No 02 of 1992 -Amendment -Turnover Tax, Stamp Duty

No 02 of 1994 - Supplimentary Provisions - Prize Competition Tax, Drugs & Chemicals Tax, Mineral Tax, Charges under the Fauna and Flora Ordinance

No 03 of 1994 - Amendment

No 04 of 1994 - Statute - Stamp Duty

No 05 of 1994 - Statute - Court Fines

No 05 of 2007 - (Supplementary Provisions) Amendment - Land & Building Tax, Betting Tax

No 01 of 2013 - Statute - Pawn Brokers

No 01 of 2018 -Amendment - Provincial Incentive Fund Account

No 02 of 2018 -Amendment - Pawn Brokers

Procedural Rules (No 01 of 2018 ) - Provincial Incentive Fund Account

Procedural Rules (No 01 of 2018 ) - Amendment - Provincial Incentive Fund Account

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